MIME SUIVEUR | Animation Déambulatoire

Walkabout mimes ?! Roaming entertainment ? This type of entertainment goes back to the jesters performing in fairs, where both business and entertainment arts worked hand in hand.

CHARLOT | Animation Déambulatoire

Back to the “Années Folles” First known as “The Little Tramp”, he was quickly called “The Tramp” by the audience. From 1914 and through his first ten movies, Charles Spencer Chaplin created his character, which would ultimately become a world wide icon.

MIME À LA CARTE | Création d’Animation

Have you ever dreamed of completely original entertainment that perfectly fits your event but that our other product do not provide? You just have to ask!

STATUES VIVANTES | Animation fixe

Lead by Philippe Pillavoine, several mimes trained at the MARCEL MARCEAU school of mime in Paris, are hired to perform as “living statues”.

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